Saturday, August 06, 2005

Benefits to Submitting/Hosting a Blog Carnival

Some of you may wonder what benefit there is to you as a blogger for submitting a post or for hosting the International Carnival of Pozitivities (ICP). The primary benefit to you is an increase in traffic to your blog. Secondary benefits include increased networking with people within your community and increased understanding, empathy and compassion for others. For those of us living with HIV/AIDS, the process can leave us feeling more connected, less isolated and more a part of a vibrant, warm and loving community. Lastly, we learn that we share many things in common across the world. Most importantly, we have a forum for spreading our messages about living with HIV/AIDS in a realistic, non-media/non-pharmaceutical-marketing way.

When I have worked with other Carnivals, I have seen dramatic increases in visits or hits to my blog in the days immediately following publication. The Tar Heel Tavern homepage lists a couple of articles that detail the traffic flow issues and how your blog can benefit from submitting/hosting. At Coyote Blog, you will find an article with graphs that details the spikes in page views and hits that were experienced by hosting a blog carnival. There are also some very helpful suggestions listed for hosting. Another article, found at freemoneyfinance highlights detailed instructions on maximizing traffic to the carnival. Not all of these suggestions are necessary for you to follow, but many will help you increase your hits.

For those of us in the HIV/AIDS community, the importance of getting our voices heard is critical in the understanding of our disease in the general community. As such, we are actively seeking mainstream, high-volume blogs for hosting the ICP so that our messages reach as many people as possible. This provides us an opportunity to scratch the backs of the hosts by bringing in new traffic while they scratch our backs by spreading our messages. Please help us succeed by submitting your posts to the ICP and by hosting or recruiting hosts for the ICP on our behalf.



Anonymous said...

This is really great!
Thanks for this.


Cheap Jordans said...

This blog makes me realize the energy of words and pictures. It's very beneficial for me, Thank you for sharing!

New Jordans said...

I just ran across your wonderful blog today.It's very beneficial for me, Keep coming up with ideas.